Culinary and Spirit Makers has combined!

The guild does not just do beer. That’s just where we currently have the talent. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of each month with occasional meetings as required.

Our meetings are held in either North Kitsap or Bremerton Washington.

At each meeting we have samplings, but you do not have to drink to participate. We do this to educate our palates. Most meetings are working meetings with brewing bottling or vinting. Specifically there are no dues but contributions are appreciated. this is to cover expenses like prizes for contests and projects like the Baronial brews so far.

Barony of Dragons Laire Device

Links to points in this page

The Most Recent Meeting

This last meeting was held at  Lorics and Eileen's,  The topics iincluded a Quick Mead and Yule Feast. 

Remember "Drink responsibly!"

SCA Alcohol Policy


SCA Insurance Policy

(as issued at the Seneschal's meeting Autumn Crown Council November 8, 1997)

SCA, INC--As per SCA Policy, it is prohibited to use any SCA funds for the purchase of alcohol This includes the USA and Canada.

This includes the following:

  1. For use as Prizes in tournaments or raffles
  2. As gifts
  3. For re-sale at Taverns, Bar's or Inn's
  4. Or given away at a Tavern, Bar or Inn

Any donated alcoholic items for any of the above reasons is also prohibited. SCA Funds are permitted for the following:

  1. Alcohol purchased for use in cooking.
  2. The purchase of equipment and ingredients by Guilds. for the study and recreation of alcoholic recipes, as long as it does not fall under one of the four reasons listed above.

Failure to adhere to this policy will cause the SCA Insurance Policy to become null and void at an event. This only applies to the USA and all it's territories.

AS PER SCA INSURANCE POLICY--It is prohibited under the Insurance Policy for the SCA to participate in any of the following:

  1. The Manufacturing of Alcohol
  2. The Distribution of Alcohol
  3. The Selling of Alcohol
  4. The Serving of Alcohol
  5. The Furnishing of Alcohol

The Manufacturing of alcohol for an A&S Competition is permitted as long as the following applies:

  1. No SCA Funds were used
  2. The competition is being judged by persons qualified in that field
  3. Competition is held in a controlled area

always, Modern Laws apply regarding minors with alcohol


An Tir Alcohol Policy

SCA insurance will defend the SCA on host liquor liability claims relating to the incidental use of alcohol at events, but not if we go into the business of selling the stuff.

SCA sponsored taverns are not allowed where the branch is serving alcohol. The risk of a tavern-keepers' lawsuit is more than the SCA can stand.

A. Minors with alcohol will not be tolerated. This means that a minor with alcohol will be told to leave the site immediately. The minors guardian/parent will be required to leave the site with the minor. No exceptions. failure to comply must be followed by a call to the police.

B. If the minor is on site without a parent or guardian, the constables responsible for granting access to that minor must be warned such action is a violation of duties. The minor must become sober and then told to go home. No exceptions. Failure to comply must be followed by a call to the police.

C. If the minor is 18 years of age but under 21 years of age and on site without a parent or legal guardian (as none would be required in most jurisdictions at that age) the minor must become sober and then told to go home. No exceptions. failure to comply must be followed by a call to the police.

D. if a minor came to the event with other participants who are not dunk but are the minors sole source of transportation - all in said vehicle must be told to go home with tile minor. No exceptions. failure to comply must be followed by a call to the police.

E. If the person with alcohol is not a minor but disruptive to the event and its participants (reasonability issues apply here) the person must be told to go home - by means of a sober driver or cab or given time to sober up and then told to go home. No exceptions. failure to comply must be followed by a call to the police.

Spirit Making links


Minutes and Reports Have been moved off line

Other SCA related Links

Matt's SCA resume'

If you find a link that is not working or just to give me feedback, I can be reached at
Thanks for stopping by.

Disclaimer: This web page is maintained courtesy of Matt Henson. It is not a publication of the SCA, Inc. nor does it delineate SCA policies. Neither the SCA, Inc. nor Matt Henson assumes any liability for the accuracy of information contained on this page nor the suitability of any materials linked to this page.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 10, 2004

copyright 1999-2004